WINE IN25X, veggunit for vinrom opp til 25m3

kr 59 808

Vinkjøler fra WineMaster i Frankrike.

WINE IN25 monteres inne i vinrommet, den monteres på 2 braketter, luft inn og ut for kompressor/kondensator føres via isolerte ventilasjonsrør Ø125 gjennom vegg/tak fra innsiden av vinrommet og ut til rom på utsiden.

Vinkjøleren er beregnet for selvbygde kjølerom i treverk eller Thermocold sine ferdige elementer for vinrom fra 5 – 25 000 liter.

IN25 kommer i utgave: Kjøl og varme funksjon

Modellene har støvfilter for raskt og enkelt vedlikehold.

NB! Ved installasjon trenger du veggfeste for brakettene og Ø125 isolerte rør for og føre luft inn og ut til kompressor.

Husk avløp til kondensvann.

Produktnummer: WINEIN25X Kategori:


French Manufacturer and European Leader.

With tens of thousands of air conditioning units manufactured, WineMaster has achieved a leading position in the European market. WineMaster has been exporting its products to everywhere in the world for decades.

High-quality parts, quality control checks at every stage of manufacturing and a special attention to matters of the environment and energy saving mean that the complete range of WineMaster products is reliable and fits perfectly with consumer demands.

Research and Development.

The research department at WineMaster is always working towards creating and advancing our ranges of products. Various leading-edge technologies have led to the creation of air conditioners that are at once high-performing and also meet the constraints set by respect for the environment (no frost technologies, brushless motors, Energy Saver Motor ventilation fans, etc.). The combination of these innovative technologies makes WineMaster air conditioners long-lasting and outstanding.

Why Choose WineMaster

Since its creation in 1984, the men and women of WineMaster have put their skills and know-how at the heart of each stage of the manufacture of your air conditioner. Motivated by quality and detail, they are proud of their products and their 100% Alsatian design.

Teknisk informasjon

Utvendige mål: B540-D630 -H540 mm
Kapasitet: Opp til 25 m3
Kjølemiddel: R290
Spenning: 230-240V AC 50Hz
Nettovekt: 35 Kg
Energiforbruk: 440W
Kjøleeffekt: 500W ved 15°
Termostatinnstilling: 8-18°C
Maks. omgivelsestemp.: 35°C
Støynivå, 1m / 3m: 43 dB / 38 dB
Luftstrøm, kald side: 96-198 m³/t
Luftstrøm, varm side: 450 m³/t
Produsent: WineMaster
Lagring av vin